Our Purpose

Our Purpose

Purpose and Primary Mission of 501(c)3 non-profit:  EveryoneGetsHome.org

Please make all donations via PayPal.com:  https://ToMakeADifferenceForOthers.org

…upon the Primary Mission to ensure https://EveryoneGetsHome.org.  To assist the loved ones of our Fallen First Responders in which their absence resulting from their ultimate sacrifice to serve others is never experienced as a financial detriment.  And of primary importance, the http://FallenFiance.org includes those of our military, who live with the same shattered heart, mind, and soul yet only worse because they receive ZERO Death Benefits.  The tragic result upon a date not yet expired, our goal is they shall receive the same financial assistance as if it had.

Thank you for also supporting:

  • https://LostPaws.info  My non-profit allows any pet owner to publish any lost or found family member 24/7/365.  Registered by every international Zip Code, parties can reconnect within hours and not days after perhaps distributing countless flyers to endure the excruciating wait praying for any loving soul to schedule a vet appointment to scan for a chip.  In addition, all money donated helps pay any outstanding veterinarian expenses primarily intended for low-income families.

In that, 50% of ALL total gross sales of all products at https://HydraulicsApp.com will supplement your generous tax-deductible contribution tol help the loved ones of those most affected by life’s most dangerous challenges.   Programs to ensure https://EveryoneGetsHome.org; that upon our promise, all funds shall be distributed as requested as our daily commitment:


Thank you is never enough for your financial support to those who support those who serve humanity in such an honorable manner.  And not ever to exclude our furry friends who we are so blessed to reciprocate such incredible LOVE at https://LostPaws.info!

Respectfully submitted,
Richard “Hoffy” Hoffmann, Sr.,
Founder/President/Fire Captain (med. ret.)